

One-on-one coaching addresses just what you need, when you need it. We can go into depth on your specific ideas, goals and projects. It’s all confidential and at convenient times for you. And yes, we can work virtually!

Sample topics I often work with in private coaching:

  • Confidence—how do you conquer those nerves? Silence your internal critics? Develop a leader’s mindset?
  • Content—you have a presentation to give. You don’t know what to say, how much to say or how to structure it.
  • Delivery—how do you use the stage? Connect with your audience? What do you do with your hands? Your voice? And how do you do all this virtually?!
  • Tech—how do you get your tech to play nicely with you? Make friends with slides, mics, cameras and Zoom?
  • Your brand—how do I create a personal brand I can live with? And how do I integrate it into my communications?


I work hard to create energetic, interactive trainings that teach communication skills people can apply right away. I adapt content to your group’s specific needs. All my workshops are scalable: I can do a stand-alone training, a course, a training combined with individual coaching, or one that folds into your existing leadership training program. I’ve adapted all my trainings for virtual delivery, so you can help your team thrive even when they’re working from home.

Here’s a sampling of workshops I’m often asked to lead. If you have other ideas, let’s talk!

  • Align your communications with your brand
  • Behind-the-scene secrets of the TED-style talk
  • How to give a “remote” talk that really connects
  • How to present to executives
  • How to talk through polarization
  • Nonviolent communication (NVC)
  • Overcome speaking anxiety
  • Presentation skills for women
  • Self-talk that changes everything
  • Storytelling for business
  • Storytelling for nonprofits
  • The body language toolkit
  • The keys to leadership presence


I love to inspire and entertain audiences of all kinds! I’ve been told I’m dynamic, funny and have a commanding stage presence. My personal story and my careers in academia and business have yielded plenty of insights, opinions and stories I can customize for your needs. And since I work behind-the-scenes on lots of events (virtual and in-person), I can work with organizers to integrate my talk into the rest of the event.

A quick list of topics I often speak on:

  • The fine art of being yourself
  • The stories we tell ourselves, and how to get them to work for you
  • How to re-create yourself and your career
  • Why can’t we all just get along? Oh wait—we can!
  • The high cost of silence: how to raise your voice and transform the workplace
  • What academics can do in the “real world”
  • Women and men and words at work
  • Yes, words really matter. Here’s why.
  • The secrets behind the best TEDx talks
  • How to find joy, and why it matters
  • How to think like—and become—a creative